Heat pumps: all you need to know

The heat pump grant With the news that the government's homeowner's heat pump grant has been increased to £7,500, we take a look at why heat pumps lower pollution and energy bills. Heat pumps emit far less pollution than gas boilers and can lower bills, but they are expensive to buy - the government is hoping that the scheme will lower the cost of installing a new heat pump, in line with that of a gas boiler. There are 27 million old gas and oil boilers and the aim is to replace 600,000 a year, but the current rate is…
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Our 2050 net zero target: watered down or more realistic?

  All change… for now at least As PM Rishi Sunak has recently announced plans to weaken some of the government's green commitments, we take a look at what this means. The new-look plans include a delay on banning the sale of new petrol and diesel cars, and policies being scrapped that would force landlords to upgrade efficiency in their homes. Even before these latest changes though, the UK was being criticised for falling behind in its efforts to reach "net zero" by 2050. This date marks a key international target intended to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Mr Sunak…
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The importance of energy sufficiency in achieving a sustainable future

An introduction to energy sufficiency The term "energy sufficiency" refers to the societal need for access to enough energy resources that don't cause environmental damage. In order to achieve a sustainable future, it is important to become energy efficient and use renewable resources. Many individuals and businesses are now beginning to understand the importance of energy sufficiency in order to achieve sustainability. Achieving energy sufficiency will require a major shift in how we produce and use energy. It is essential that we move away from our dependency on fossil fuels and towards using renewable energy sources that are environmentally friendly.…
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