A breath of fresh air: home ventilation and sustainable living

As winter draws in… Although you may feel like closing the curtains tight and shutting all windows to keep the cold air out, this practice could be harming your home - and yourself. It's only natural as the air outside gets colder, to want to cosy-up indoors - but in doing so, we are also in danger of blocking out the fresh air that we need so much. With sustainable living, we often focus on energy-efficient appliances, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly materials. However, one crucial aspect that is sometimes overlooked is home ventilation. The air we breathe within our…
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Heat pumps: all you need to know

The heat pump grant With the news that the government's homeowner's heat pump grant has been increased to £7,500, we take a look at why heat pumps lower pollution and energy bills. Heat pumps emit far less pollution than gas boilers and can lower bills, but they are expensive to buy - the government is hoping that the scheme will lower the cost of installing a new heat pump, in line with that of a gas boiler. There are 27 million old gas and oil boilers and the aim is to replace 600,000 a year, but the current rate is…
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It’s never too early to winter-proof your home

  The perfect time of the year to plan ahead There are better ways to keep warm than simply turning up the heating. This is PRLs guide to making your home more energy-efficient. Even though we are about to enter another heatwave (in October!) there has never been a better time to make positive, winter-proofing changes. Draughts You need to find out where heat escapes from - and cold air enters. Places that may let in draughts include windows, doors, floorboards, chimneys and loft hatches. Hold a candle near windows, doors and other areas to see if the flame dances…
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The many benefits of choosing to live in a tiny home

The draw of tiny home living In an era characterised by environmental concerns, economic realities, and a growing desire for minimalism, the concept of tiny home living has gained remarkable popularity. Tiny homes are compact, efficient living spaces that prioritise functionality, sustainability and a simplified lifestyle. For those considering a shift towards this unique way of living, the benefits extend far beyond the reduced square footage. Embracing sustainable living through tiny homes Sustainability is at the forefront of global consciousness, and tiny homes provide an ideal platform for putting eco-friendly principles into action. Tiny homes inherently have a smaller carbon footprint due…
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Sustainable living: reducing waste by up-cycling old furniture

Reducing waste in a thoughtful and creative way Up-cycling old furniture is an easy and sustainable way to give your space a fresh look, without breaking the bank, or harming the environment. As our population continues to grow, so does the amount of waste we produce. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce this waste - and help make a difference for the environment. Benefits of sustainable living There are many benefits of sustainable living, but one of the most important is reducing waste. When we up-cycle old furniture, we are giving it a new life and extending its usefulness. This…
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