AI and its growing role in conservation

Futuring the forests The rainforests of South America, despite their immense ecological importance, are increasingly under threat from illegal logging and other destructive activities. Monitoring these vast and remote areas poses a significant challenge. While satellite surveillance offers some capability, it has notable limitations, and on-the-ground patrols are inherently constrained by the sheer size and inaccessibility of the terrain. Enter the drones: equipped with advanced cameras and motion sensors, they provide a game-changing solution. These aerial devices silently navigate through the forest canopy, detecting even the faintest signs of illegal activities. By integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI), data collected by drones…
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Eco-friendly ways to make the most of autumn

Welcoming autumn into our homes and gardens As the vibrant colours of autumn unfold - and the inclement weather returns - many of us are reflecting on how to make our homes cosier and our gardens more inviting. This season is the perfect time to implement eco-friendly habits that benefit both the environment and our households. From energy savings to wildlife conservation, this blog provides practical tips to help you make this autumn your greenest yet. Preparing your home for cooler days As temperatures begin to drop, the temptation to turn up the heating can be strong. However, energy use…
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Doggy ‘backpacks’ filled with seeds help rewild a nature reserve

'Man's best friend' helps out in a novel rewilding project Equipped with backpacks full of wildflower seeds, dogs in a scheme in England are mimicking an ecological role left vacant by wolves. They are being enlisted to "act like wolves" to help rewild an urban nature reserve in the East Sussex town of Lewes. Before wolves were persecuted to extinction in the UK circa 1760, they were known to roam large areas, typically covering 12 miles (20km) or more each night. In doing so, wolves would inadvertently pick up wildflower and grass seeds in their fur, dispersing them many miles away and…
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How to keep your home and garden cool during a heatwave

The retrofit approach As climate change drives increasingly frequent and intense heatwaves across the UK, keeping our homes cool has become a growing concern. However, the traditional approach of using air conditioning and relying on artificial cooling methods is not only energy-intensive but also environmentally unsustainable. As we are all committed to reducing our carbon footprint and living in harmony with nature, it's good to know that there are greener, more ecological ways to keep our homes cool during a heatwave. In this Blog, I explore the sustainable strategies that focus on making your home and garden work with nature…
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How to create a biodiverse and wildlife-friendly garden

England has recently introduced biodiversity legislation In a world first, England has recently introduced legislation requiring all new developments to boost nature. The biodiversity net gain law (BNG) came into force on February 12th, 2024 and ensures that habitats for wildlife are left in a measurably better state than they were before the development. New habitats must also deliver a 10% biodiversity gain, rather than simply replacing what has been lost. The Royal Institute of British Architects said that the law represents a 'major change' for architects, who would now have to "design with nature". Scotland, Sweden and Singapore are among…
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Water neutrality: what it is and how you can achieve it

Understanding water neutrality In an era of increasing concern about water scarcity and environmental sustainability, the concept of water neutrality has gained prominence. But what exactly does it mean, and how can individuals work towards achieving it? In this Blog post, we'll delve into the concept of water neutrality, exploring its significance and providing practical guidance on reducing water consumption to minimise your water footprint. Water neutrality is a concept aimed at balancing the amount of water consumed, with the amount of water returned to the environment, through conservation and restoration efforts. Essentially, it involves striving to ensure that the…
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How we can all take steps to preserve biodiversity

What exactly is biodiversity? Biodiversity is the diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. It is declining globally, faster than at any other time in human history. The world's 7.6 billion people represent just 0.01% of all living things by weight, but humanity has caused the loss of 83% of all wild mammals and half of all plants. Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse is one of the top five risks in the World Economic Forum's 2020 Global Risks Report, too. How biodiversity can help our health Higher rates of biodiversity have been linked to an increase in health. Plants are essential…
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How rainwater harvesting can help to conserve energy

Rainwater harvesting: an eco-friendly practice In our pursuit of sustainability, it is essential to explore innovative ways to conserve precious resources and reduce our ecological footprint. Rainwater harvesting offers a simple, yet effective, solution. By collecting and utilising rainwater, homeowners can reduce their reliance on mains water, which often uses significant energy for treatment and distribution. Understanding rainwater harvesting and its benefits Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting and storing rainwater that falls on rooftops and other surfaces. The collected rainwater can then be utilised for various non-potable purposes, such as watering gardens, flushing toilets, and washing clothes. This environmentally friendly…
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How rewilding and peat restoration play a vital part in achieving Sustainability

  Two key practices that contribute significantly to sustainability In the pursuit of achieving a sustainable future, it is crucial to explore and implement various approaches that restore and protect our ecosystems. Rewilding involves restoring natural habitats and reintroducing native species, while peat restoration focuses on rehabilitating degraded peatlands. Why rewilding is so important Rewilding plays a vital role in achieving sustainability by fostering biodiversity, improving ecosystem resilience, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. By creating larger and interconnected habitats, rewilding helps to restore natural ecological processes, support endangered species, and enhance ecosystem services such as pollination, water purification…
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How changing your diet can make a difference in the fight against climate change

Our food's ecological footprint We hope that you enjoy reading our foray into all things food - we appreciate that not everyone wants to change their diet, but we thought we would give you some… 'food for thought'! If you are looking for a way to make a meaningful impact on the fight against climate change, maybe it is time to look at what you are eating. The food we consume has an ecological footprint, starting from the resources used to grow and transport it, through to its carbon emissions during production and disposal. By changing our diets, we can…
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